I have to work this morning; had to wake my ass up at 8 a.m. And it sucks when you didn't get the peaceful sleep you wanted the night before. I just kept waking up at odd hours last night, so, while driving to work, whenever I noticed anyone else up, I'd think, "Jesus, go back to fucking bed!" Nobody should be up as early as I was on this Saturday.
More than ever, all the little pre-teens I saw walking the streets should all be in bed. You know, when I was your fucking age, I slept in until 10 in the morning; I don't think I ever woke up before 10, unless I was real little and still watched Saturday morning cartoons. Get some fucking sleep! I wouldn't be surprised if their wasn't a vendetta of some kind against sleep. Like the government wants us to not sleep as much because that's time spent that we should be...at work.
How's about we start the revolution and sleep in? Where do pre-teens go this early - Walmart? The mall is shit! I don't believe anyone goes to our mall, or should go to our mall. Ever took a number two in a mall toilet??? I think the workers spit in the Orange Julius - maybe not schedule them to work so fucking early in the morning.
Pre-teens walking the street at 8:30 in the morning...go to fucking bed! Why aren't you in fucking bed??? Jesus...what were you, molested by your parents since your 12th birthday, but they only do it at 8:30 in the morning, and you got the fuck out of that house?! Go sleep in Walmart. You know, that's the only reason why somebody should be up: if their parents have been molesting them since they were 12, but they only did it at 8:30 in the morning, and the person is looking for a bed, and happens to be in a Walmart. Hell, the National wake up for Saturday mornings should be 10 a.m. That's a fair compromise, right? Cuz you know the crack heads are petitioning for the National wake-up to be at like 4 in the afternoon, and "The Suits" are like, "Yes...6 a.m., right on the dot, cheerio...spit-spot, enjoy your truffle, pip-pip...tut-tut, looks like rain...6 a.m." The pre-teens are probably being groomed to wake up early. I don't wake up early; nothing wrong with me. In fact, I think I'm healthier sleeping in so late. You know, the Nazis made the Jews wake up early on Saturday...