Ain't this a kick in the head... of my cock! Greetings, reader! Been some time since I posted. I've neglected my long running blog for a few months now, I guess; not sure when I last posted. I heard you could look that up...
Got into it a little bit with a person on social media. Here's what I posted to a person's page when they brought up the topic of new gun control legislature in the States because we all know who I'm talking about when I say THE STATES.
dead in Minnesota in the span of a week Jan. 6-12 entirely from this
new strain of flu. I suppose that number is higher than other losses in
the rest of the states. It was even expected by the CDC, it was gonna be
a bad year for flu, making sure they
had a high number of the vaccine. Again supposing, perhaps Joe Biden
should be appointed a task force in conjunction with the CDC and Dr.
Frieden, that department's director, in preventing seasonal flu. Make it
mandatory to get that vaccination to better your chances of not
catching it. 33 people could be, should be alive today. We want to
prevent the wrong people getting their hands on weapons which could lead
to a tragedy like say a kid going into an elementary school and having a
bit of sport with an assault rifle, could have done just as much with
two handguns with the experience and marksmanship a licensed owner might
have. You never know -- gal could just love Dirty Harry enough to own a
Smith and Wesson .44. A man might like how cool he looks naked in the
mirror with a James Bond inspired Walther PPK 9mm, or call it a trinket
really considering its never fired and less often even loaded. That's
not the case with most gun-violence. You might find more people steal
the weapon involved in a crime from a licensed owner. In order for that
licensed owner to have that gun, all he or she had to do was follow
their state's guidelines, file the necessary paperwork with the
retailer, acquire a license for the weapon they sought, wait a few days
-- maybe in that time have a background check performed on them. Another
person could steal that weapon/know its hiding spot, kill for that
weapon, have possession of that weapon somehow. How has the gun violence
been prevented? Here's a proposal: if you want a projectile firing
weapon, this including small or large cannons, not necessarily how a
person obtains replica swords or other various pokey-things, just guns,
you want a gun, we'll check you out. We'll go over your whole life with a
fine toothed comb. As long as you're licensed you have every right to
arm yourself. Just that the weapon is now located at an armory maybe in
your area. Go and get it when you need it, but full disclosure on your
purpose with it. How's that for another asinine solution?
You'll notice I highlighted some areas. Let me start with that first highlight in red. I read an article on Minnesota's public radio website (not including a link, look it the fuck UP!) that data had been calculated determining how deadly this new strain of H3N2, or in other words, one bad mutha fucka, was, and how it could literally go on an epic shooting spree the likes of Newtown inside your body! I had also read a September 27th article on HuffPoDailyBeastNipplesHerald news-shit that suggested this year's flu season was gonna be a real bear! The same information can be found in an article called 'It's Flu Shot Time: New Strains Expected in 2012 Flu Season' on the Fox News Latino website, or what should've been called Fox News Non-Whites, and the reason why I chuckle when seeing Fox News Latino.
Still, 33 people in the span of a week from flu, and they weren't all children and the elderly, though the two groups were included in that number. Some of those people didn't show symptoms of the virus until a day or two before they died. Imagine going to bed one night with a mild headache and waking to chills, a persistent cough, a ridiculously high temperature and probably much worse loose stools and vomiting, going to the doctor, being admitted immediately, and then dying the next day with an illness I fought throughout my adolescent life without much trouble. New strain. New game and new rules. All it took was me thinking how unexpected that death would be to tie it with a school shooting.
Now to explain myself. People want something done to limit the amount of gun violence that goes on in this country, and two crucial events sparked this outcry, more-so two shootings occurred each involving semi-automatic assault rifles; one in Aurora, Colorado at an opening screening for The Dark Knight Rises at an AMC movie theater, and another in Newtown, Connecticut, the latter tragedy targeting children at an elementary school.
The news media blasts the airwaves with up-to-date information on Aurora when it first happened, and then tied other similar, but not really as bad gun-violence with that story.
A man has a standoff with police in New York City...with a hand gun. A junkie shoots a McDonald's manager in the arm over a filet o' fish sandwich...hand gun. More shootings. Then, a mentally disturbed twenty-something "kid" kills his mother who was a huge gun advocate, takes her car, drives to the elementary school he attended/had a beef with, where also the mother worked as a teacher, and killed 20 kids and 8 adults I believe.
Tying back in to other tragedies assisted by guns, here's a lovely piece of propaganda for ya!
Makes me faux-outraged just to look at all those ink-people and red-children!
January 9 in Cambridge, OH stands out. Father kills his 5-year-old son in a murder/suicide. Sounds like the father was mentally ill. Unless you consider having a shrink come visit every home in America, a whole slew of professionals to weed out the suppressed disturbed nature of a would-be psychopath, there's absolutely no way you could have prevented that killing. I mean, who are we kidding -- a person could show no signs they are disturbed/violent and one shove over the edge brought upon that family's downfall, and that's a conservative estimate. Who knows what events lead to him believing, fuck this life, gonna take my son with me -- you know why nobody is ever going to know? Because he's dead!
Let's say this -- suppose he didn't have a gun, would you have rather read that he smashed his son's face in with a hammer; hacked him up with an axe? You pull a trigger and your problems go away. Easier that way. If you can make the trigger finger squeeze and you at least point the object at another object or yourself...
Kid blows his head off by accident following the kid finding a gun stashed in his parent's closet. It's not the gun's fault. If the parents think they need to have a gun for protection, the weapon should be locked up. The weapon should never be unlocked from its housing where a kid is in view of where the gun and its lock-box are hidden, or within viewing and taking it all in of just how daddy or mommy are unlocking that housing and getting the weapon out of its hiding place; just fascinated with the prospect of something they can't play with, or let's hope it's not a gun like their hero Doctor Gunhands -- therein lies another issue. My brother and I went to a movie theater to see the movie "Cop Out" way back when, and actually sat a few rows away from a couple with their 7 and 8-year-old kids. A buddy-comedy with its fair share of shooting-scenes because the two buddies happen to be cops, over-the-top mature language for these two little ones, as well as drug use, and they're unwilling audience members because their parents are terrible, couldn't get a babysitter, so why the fuck not, let's have the kids with us. Like they understand what's going on. Kids are being introduced to subject matter they shouldn't be in their parents' favorite entertainment. Is it just one of those ideals you're born with to imagine how cool it would be to get daddy or mommy's gun and pretend you're shooting bad-guys? Some parents are careless
All these incidents tied in with "31 Days After" the parent, the guardian, all were careless. Gonna clean my gun this afternoon, of course, better load it with a full clip, why the hell not, stomach's growlin', hungry as all hell, here I'll leave the gun on the table why I make's myself a sammich in the kitchen, 'course I like to keep iceberg lettuce out in the garage's crisper-unit, don't know what a crisper-unit is? God you're stupid. Still, gonna leave this gun sittin' out so just about anyone could come by and pick it up, wonder where that grandkid is of mine ... or something along those lines, and it's no surprise the grandkid picks up the gun and accidentally shoots himself in the chest.
I don't know what kind of person leaves a gun out on a table for a kid to grab and shoot himself with, nor are we told the events leading up to the shooting, and really, that's propaganda for ya -- there to point out "facts" but never disclosing any truth in the matter. Being a native Kansan, I had heard of a few of those shootings because they had happened in the neighboring state of Missouri. Also we tend to hear our fill of Texas news because of its close proximity to us, so a few of those Texas shootings stood out. Today I heard at a Houston community college, two little dredges of society had a gunfight to settle a disagreement. I pictured the two not so much taking ten paces and then firing on one another, but haphazardly aiming for one another and only managing to hit each others legs.
Now a word from the FUTURE!!! Sssssssss WOOOSH Vssssss! The FUTURE FUTURE FU-CHA!
It's August 14, 2014, which is the 4th Anniversary of my best friend's wedding in Indiana. I just came across this post today, completely abandoning this blog for 2+ years.
In Wichita, KS on July 30, 2014, a 3-year old died after what apparently was an accidental
shooting in a home; apparently the child found a gun in a cupboard above the refrigerator. Police said they believe the mother and her boyfriend were sleeping
in the house when the 3-year-old located a handgun and accidentally shot
himself in the chest. The mother and boyfriend woke up when the shot was fired around 5 p.m. and called 911, probably after locating the child unconscious with a bullet hole in his chest, also around the time they spotted a chair that had been pushed against the counter in order for the child to gain access to the cupboard above the refrigerator.
What's so fascinating is the mother doesn't allow weapons in the house, and had no clue the gun was in the cupboard above her refrigerator, the weapon happened to belong to her boyfriend who was taken into custody; what is more so just tickling is the mother fucker is on god damn probation, how in the fuck did his ass get a FUCKING gun!? His probation also had something to do with a previous gun charge; his ass had an unregistered fire arm during an arrest. He served then upon release, was probated.
Up above, I talked about kids being exposed to certain stimuli. How did he know the gun was up there, why was he drawn to the gun? Mommy's gentleman-friend must have had the gun out at times around the child. My dad had guns; a rifle and a .22 "Pea-shooter" pistol. The rifle was never left loaded, but it was out. I could've walked into my parents room while I was home by myself and played with the rifle. The .22 was in my dad's sock drawer. I was tall enough and not weak in the droop to pull that drawer open, shifted some small clothes aside to get to the gun, and after my dad had heard of the shooting in Wichita, he admitted that his gun was always loaded. Why wasn't I drawn to grab the handgun and point it at things, pretending to fire the weapon, maybe hug a few corners, crouch, act as though I were Detective Smith after some bad-guys? I knew better. My parents talked to me about the dangers of firearms. I heard all the horror-stories of other kids who played with daddy or mommy's gun and blew themselves away by accident. In the case of the 3-year old, the reason why mommy's boyfriend got arrested was because he liked to play with handguns. It was a novelty, it probably gave him a sense of power, where everyone else had fists and words to protect themselves, mommy's man-friend had a loaded gun. Any nonsense starts around me, I'll stop it by revealing my weapon, and pointing it at the individual/individuals to get my point across, I've got power, I know how to use my power, don't fuck with me.
In the animal kingdom, I'm going off on a tangent about snakes, a snake may have a "gun". Quicker than you coming across me, I strike at you to ward off my potential predators, and perchance I bite you with my poisonous fangs, if by coincidence this snake is venomous. Some species of snakes have a defense mechanism to maybe look, resemble these poisonous ancestors to trick us, make approaching animals or people aware they are deadly. With such harmful potentially lethal application in the wrong hands, say a matured adult with a not so fully functional brain as is the case of the boyfriend who goes to the trouble of hiding a handgun in a cupboard above the refrigerator, but neglects to keep it a secret from a 3-year old who could figure out a path to something out of his reach -- are you figuring out where I'm going with this? Guns need to be in the possession of individuals who respect and are aware of the potential danger they impose. Guns need to be in the possession of a practiced and properly educated individuals. Remind yourself that you're not a lawman in the Old West, that disagreements with others should not lead or should not be resolved with violence. There is no need to carry a weapon at all times, be it to go out or go to the grocery store. Police officers are quick to point out in the event someone were to mug you, or try and rob the place if you were to go to the grocery store, say for no particular reason a person starts firing a gun in a crowded area, it's not your responsibility to be a hero. And now for something completely different...
1 comment:
Sure, with the inclusion of home robberies/home invasions on the rise, and you're a gun-owner, you want to be able to quickly grab that method of defense to secure your safety, however, why is it a gun needs to be preloaded with a full clip and left out for a kid to stumble upon? A "safety" safety switch on the side is not the safest bet anymore. Lock up the firearm unloaded, with the ammunition someplace else maybe locked up as well next to it, be more responsible.
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