A "cool-down," according to my elementary gym teacher, is used to relax your muscles so they don't tighten-up. The last thing I want to think about lounging after a good run that I don't take is a charlie-horse because I didn't "cool-down". Warm-up, cool-down; make sense? It better! It sucks for the people who don't heed the endless warnings and precautions of the elementary gym teacher because the person is A.) fatter than you are B.) they drink heavily in their office before, during, and after class, or C.) are really a certified English-instructor who was forced by the school board to take over gym class after the other teacher/girls' basketball coach was fired for having sex with students. Let's take a look at this thought.
A.) the teacher is fatter than you are - I remember in elementary school, having to run a mile for some state-approved bullshit. Here's what I'm trying to say: what we used to have to do, since forever, at my elementary school, was run a mile every year; once a year to prove that our school was actually doing gym-stuff/anything productive during the physical education (P.E.) period, and not just letting us throw thick, rubber balls at each other, or tying up/whipping other classmates (who don't even have to be in the class; if they were pacing outside the gymnasium, they were whipped) with the jump ropes. We were also too cheap at my school to provide a "paved" black-top track for us to run around; ours was gravel/dirt which equals, very uncomfortable to run on. Sometimes, you would land your footing wrong on a pot-hole, and twist your ankle; it was not pleasant, to say the least. And the person firing-you-up/trying-to-fire-you-up/pissing-you-off-while-you-run-and-they-sit-on-their-fat-ass-and-watch-you-run was this big, behemoth of a woman, who I would imagine, collected testicles from men she encountered. "Pick up the pace, Austin!" Yeah, I'd like to pick-you-up and throw you off a cliff...though I'm not licensed to rent a folk-lift, fat ass! Jesus, to this day, I'd like to challenge my old gym teacher to a foot race. And I'd beat her. Then, I'd stretch-it-out, sit my ass down, and yell, "Pick up the pace, ..." I forgot my gym teacher's name...
I'll skip letter B's explanation, because we all know janitors and gym teachers alike enjoy heavy drinking/sex with each other...no need to go into all the mess...or is there? A janitor/gym teacher orgy! I hereby will invest all I have to film that, and market it as the next porn-craze.
C.) the gym teacher is really a certified English-instructor who was forced by the school board to take over gym class after the other teacher/girls' basketball coach was fired for having sex with students. Never happened at any of the schools I attended, though it has happened many-a-times at schools across America. Closest thing I've encountered with that was having an English teacher, who was really a physical educator/football coach who got caught trying to scam the magnificent pharmacists at Walgreen's, for medication. He also was fired a week before that, from our high school, for acting like a drunkard at one of our home football games. Turned out, he was higher than a mother fucker...
Logically, you should never trust the desperate gym teacher, right? Or should you not trust the janitor? I know my janitor in high school was all about the pussy...and huffing cleaning supplies... As far as movies go, the janitor/gym teacher is either a bad ass or the first one to suspect something is a little off. Two movies, for an example, are 'The Faculty' and 'Disturbing Behavior'. In 'Disturbing Behavior', it is the janitor who helps take-down the company responsible for brainwashing the students. I believe he ends up driving his truck full of explosives in to a crowd of brainwashed students, killing them all, except maybe two, or one...for those of you who have never seen the film, the janitor helps take down the company responsible for brainwashing the entire school of students - basically, brainwashed to be academic scholars, but it really turns them into suicidal/homicidal maniacs - and it's the janitor who drives a truck full of explosives into a crowd of these fuckers to take them out, with explosions, and fire, and a golden, singing, sword...
As for 'The Faculty', even though the gym teacher/coach was a bad guy, he was a bad ass, and, as far as actors go, he's got a real bad ass-look about him.

Look at that magnificent bastard! Did somebody surprise him at a kegger and take his picture? That guy looks trashed! The picture is not showing this, but that tuxedo he's wearing is most likely sleeveless. That's what you get for over-dressing for a Tobey Keith concert. Just look at that mug! All worn and rough - it's like, when the doctors delivered him as a baby, they broke a beer bottle over his face to make him cry instead of smacking him on the ass. Was his mother's breast milk grain alcohol? - MY GOD! If or when he dies, he could donate his leathery head to the NFL.
I find myself a little obsessed with this actor, mainly because I have referenced the T-1000 bot (Liquid-metal Man) from Terminator 2 in a few of my posts...and he played that character in the movie. Him as a football coach; I see it in him! Guy looks like he chain smokes and sleeps on his face a lot, good qualities to have when applying for a gym teacher-position. I've lost this train of thought, if I had one to start with. Typing and having Blogger fuck up on me for the past 2-hours has killed this post. Way da go, Blogger, I hope a rattlesnake bites you in the throat! As for my one reader, 'cool-down' after rigorous exercise; charlie-horses hurt like a son of a bitch!