It has been quite a few weeks since I checked my Blogger. To my surprise, once I got finished signing in, Blogger informed me that I had two, what they like to call, "Moderate Comments".
I'll get back to that topic in a few, right now, I'm going to tell a-bit-of back-story, if-you-will.
Three months ago, or more, I signed in to Blogger to edit my settings, and noticed a few minute details were not checked that needed "checked" - literal "checking" as in, checking a box to the left of something to make it active. Are you following; I know, I word things a bit differently, and a lot of times, I get side-tracked. Right now, is an example of being side-tracked. Any who, let's recap - I signed in to my Blogger initially to edit my settings, and I think, at the time, I also created a new post. Upon checking my Blogger settings, a few settings I wanted literally-checked as in checking a box to the left to make that feature active, were unchecked and thus, inactive.
So I checked them.
In response, my blog was now visible to the general public, which was why I rarely got comments back on my posts - I was invisible. By the way, just in case you were curious, if I had superhuman powers, I would love invisibility or perhaps what The Green Lantern has going for him - a ring or relic of some sorts with powers that come from another planet. Why invisibility? - and no, it's not for anything perverted; get your minds out of the gutter! I would like to be like the Batman, and sneak up on scumbags, and bash them in the head with some blunt object; that's how I would fight crime; they'd call me Nowhere Guy, or The Phantom, or Larry, but hopefully not, The Coward.
As for why I'd want to steal The Green Lantern's powers, it's quite simple - the dude can create force-fields with his ring. Let's say something is out of reach; you just nab it with the force-field you create around the object, and then hover to your fingertips. Why not super strength or invulnerability, you might have asked, or if you had not asked, are probably wondering what happened to the topic of changing my settings in Blogger - in time, my dear...
So why not super strength or invulnerability - well, The Green Lantern can create force-fields that can withstand any force known to mankind, thus, you pretty much already have invulnerability covered, unless your reaction time is a bit off. And super strength is covered as well - ol' GL has a pretty reliable ring that can, once again, create force fields around objects, which can be lifted, and these objects can range from heavy-to-super heavy, and no shape-specifications. If I could be an invisible GL, I'd have it made.
By switching my Blogger settings, I can now receive comments, and last month (May) I had two that Blogger had informed me of. I read them, and enjoyed them. Thank you for leaving comments, I sincerely appreciate them! Even ones criticizing my stuff - really, I do appreciate any feedback. I primarily still sign in and write to this blog because I want an outlet for my views, and, consequently, a lot of my views are what GQ call, "Taboo," or at least that's the "cool" reference-term that I've coined my subject. Some people say controversial, others immature, or sacrilegious (I don't know how to spell that word because I refuse any organized churches; and if I spelled it right, I would never have known) really, call it what you will, I have every right to say what I think, be it outrageous, what-have-you. If you argue right, you're never wrong.
What-have-you: you've probably noticed this phrase, or conjunction of words in many of my posts, if you are an avid reader, which I don't think I have. What-have-you is a conjunction of words I use a lot in every day lingo, and most notably, in my writing. It means "whatever," but it's not, yet, as cliched as "whatever". It's one of my many phrases. I don't use the word taboo that often, mainly because when I was eight-years-old, when I was looking for an old, recorded 'Shamu'-performance at Sea World, I picked out of my dad's secret-stash of video tapes, a pornographic video entitled "Taboo" that I thought said 'Shamu' because my dad's hand-writing is so shitty, and now, since then, Taboo has scarred me for life off chocolate pudding, swings - I'm terrified of swings, anything "swinging" from a ceiling or two poles...and muzzles - I DEFINITELY hate muzzles now because of my dad's sick, perverse collection of pornography...I'm fucking with ya; that whole Taboo thing was a joke.
I don't use the word Taboo because of the double O's at the end of it. Really, I don't like the look of the word - you've got 'T', which is up-and-down, but then a bulbous lower cased 'A' and the straight-and-narrow 'T' before it; then after 'A', you've got a lower cased 'B' which resembles a skinny, anorexic person with a big ass; that's just disproportionate. Finally, just when you think the word is uncharacteristically subjective, two O's bring up the's a very fat word.
I remember, as a kid - one of the many stupid things I generally did, things that really don't make sense to anyone else, but me - was, whenever I saw a store-front sign, and they were usually big-blocky-looking-letters, I'd count how many of the letters on the sign that could house a bird's nest. It all started when I first went to a 'Target' store in Wichita; it was one of the very first one's built in the area. Typical layout for the store; beige, sort-of "Earthy" flesh-toned foundation, with big, red letters for the store-name, 'Target'. But what interested me the most, was that some sort of birds, maybe robins, had nested in the letters, so there were nests in the letters 'A', 'G', and 'E' - two nests for the letter 'G', being lower cased with two "loops". So I thought of my name, and how many robin's nests could fit within it. Then, I started doing that for every word I saw; again, a stupid thing I did as a small child. If you think about it, birds could nest in four letters of the word 'Taboo'. Now, of course, a bird could nest in all five letters, if Taboo were lower cased-taboo; the birds able to nest, securely, on both sides of the straight t, where it is crossed, and the loop-tail at the end. I even had rules for this thing, whatever you wanna call it - call it insanity, it doesn't matter, we all do little corky-things as children. The rules were as so - birds can only nest in letters that have a roof to them, and can secure the nests. Example: the letter 'S' has two nooks a bird's nest could rest in, the top portion of the 'S', and bottom loop, and obviously, you don't have to take in to consideration if the letter were lower cased or upper cased. Both nooks have what I refer to as a "roof" - the top of the 'S' is the roof of the top portion, and the middle of the 'S' the roof to the bottom. Pretty easy, right? God, I hope you're paying attention - I know this is weird. With the lower cased letter 't', a bird could not house on where the 't' is crossed because that portion of the letter has no roof; the only place a bird could nest in that letter would be the tail-end. An upper cased 'T' is unhousable by birds, unless you count the little corners at the bottom; I excluded the upper cased 'T' from formidable housing for birds. If birds had invented a support-system for themselves, that could be made of spit and twigs, then an upper cased 'T' would work. That technology must be in the pre-or-post-production-stages, and hopefully, cross your fingers, birds will unveil that sometime in the near or distant future. So, if there were one redeemable quality to the word taboo, it is that it can be made into a bird housing complex because of all the round letters. That has to be the single most applicable commodity the word taboo has going for it in this society. I fucking hate the word!
Legal-pads, in my opinion - and let's look at that set of words for a sec. In my opinion, meaning, to me, my thought on this subject, my view, stance, point, in my opinion, legal-pads are the balls! I love 'em! As a journalist, the legal-pad was like the God of Paper; more so then the spiral notepad, that, on one hand, is multifaceted and oh-so convenient, the legal-pad is a beast - this long, lined, yellow bastard, and usually a more sturdier writing surface than anything else, had pack it in! One sheet, alone, is almost enough for a full interview, if you have left your digital voice recorder in your car, or, at home; where it's not on you. Any-sized-legal-pads are in a sense, the greatest innovation in paper-science. Is there a science of paper? We should have paper-scientists, perfecting the paper industry, creating paper so light and durable, it's virtually invisible and invincible at the same time, like an invisible Green Lantern, with phenomenal reflexes; a spidey-sense, if-you-will. If-you-will, and what-have-you; two-in-the-same.
I, actually - the glue, holding together the paper on a legal-pad, which is genius, by-the-way...I like to pull that off once it extends over the paper-portion of the pad. I do that quite frequently; my boss, on the other hand, hates it when I do that because it makes a mess. Really, it's good hygiene for the legal-pad, and, to be honest, these paper-scientists should be working on a product that automatically eliminates the overhang of glue on paper-pads. It seems like the field of science in the paper industry is just lazy anymore...