We depend too much on technology. Way too fucking much! I feel sorry for those of us who aren't ready to take the leap in to the techno-emergent-multimedia and informational-universe known as computer science, and for those who really have no reason to do so, are being forced into such a dilemma because their medicare is organized and supplied online, or, like one shriveling, pruney-old man - Jesus, his credit card company was forcing him to pay his credit bill off online. Unemployment benefits are dealt with the same way - sure, they give you a number to call, but the person on the other line is just feeding these callers with bullshit, to force them to file through the internet. And to do so over such a fragile infrastructure like the internet...that's so awful.
I work around computers constantly, 22 to be exact, sometimes, at one time, and the internet times-out a good 3-4 times a day on a minimum...
I used to think it was malarkey when people would say, "One day, the internet will have so much bandwidth running through it at one time, it will clog the pipes, and you know what happens with clog pipes - no information goes through," but I've got to say, from the experience I've had with it, that days coming. Especially in this day-and-age where we depend too much on something that's not what would be described as a fail-safe. The internet is just as fragile as the world market, and look what's going on there...we've literally whored out the internet so much, she's cryin'...and we've just explored the first of many possibilities the internet has, and like most resources we get our greedy little fingers on, the internet will tap-out.