
Monday, December 13, 2010

Insertion Points

"Monetary stimulus doesn't create jobs or economic growth, but does increase government power and reduce individual freedom." -- James A. Dorn, Cato Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Just a little something I wanted to share, considering the passage of the Bush tax cut extension, and another year of the bullshit stimulus packages (fuckin' hand outs!) I'll be letting the business manager where I work know that I want to take that much more out for federal during this next year. You know, see how much we're supposed to "get" and marginalize how much a month should be deducted or sent back because I don't want anything to do with stimulus.

How does that even help anyway? Sure, you meet the 2% federal target for inflation, or I suppose you do, how are we informed about what happens in the High Castle without alternative media and anti-government conceal-and-carry card holder bloggers (insert chuckles from like-minded Americans) That was a joke, btw. And that inflation-thing, not always correct to what I've just illiterate, but a hell of a lot better than the 5.6% we saw in July 2008 or the 10% average in the year 1974. But enough of that soap-box rant, I want to talk about absurd abbreviations.

Ftw, rtfo; I bring this to light, as I have in a past blog because for the better part of this year, when these two phrases were synonymous to I'm so cool I keep up with Twitter lingo, I seriously thought these two expressions were some arbitrary purposeful misconfiguration of what the fuck (wtf) and rolling on the floor laughing (rotfl, or once more shortened to rotf) Ftw is short for For The Win.

It didn't make sense to me why someone would say fuck the what, and I'm guessing ? after that phrase, as if to say, "I'm going to fuck the what?" Maybe it's appropriate to sport one of these !? to emphasize shock-value. Rolling the floor on -- maybe cute if you were Superman's mirrored evil-doer Bizarro and you flew backwards and said hello when you left a room. I don't mind this expression considering it actually stands for Rocking the fuck out, which I do...rock the fuck out...I'm a rockin' a rock...with my cock out.. ... .... (laughing) somebody change the subject now, please, so I don't lose face.

Humility, lady and gentleman, my one reader or perhaps he's brought a girl to join us, not so much because we're gonna tag-team fuck her; I like to think I'm entertaining, I like to think he thinks I'm entertaining, maybe I'm so thought of as entertaining he's brought a friend to view my blog, maybe they're both chicks, dammit, I really need to end this sentence.

Does this sound familiar? I hope so. It's an almost complete word-for-word of my other abbreviation post. How do I know this? Patience, quality, humility, and calculation, with hope as the whip-topping, even though pie is better as pie, fuck that a la mode, x-times dessert preference, you've got pie, there's your dessert. Four pieces of a pie that I formulate makes us some cool-ass civil people. Patience, a huge word with many meanings, many things come into account when being patient. Quality, or care, forethought, stringing together with appreciation, and gratitude. That's correct, this shit's string-theory! It truly spreads out to more great and greater things. Humility because we have to accept short-comings (I have a dirty mind when it comes to short-comings) Sometimes, our flaws are pointed out to us, and we begin calculation, or review/inner-reflection (breaking ourselves down)

I say that last thing like everyone is so lethargic these days that that's what we do anymore instead of analysis; our mind's just tear ourselves down. It can't be that bad, right? I mean, it's not like we're losing interpersonal communication between one another due to popular social networks, that now when you want to mingle, it's a few clicks and you're on the internet with your buddies. Wanna socialize and interact with your buddies? Go to the newest installments of the Xbox or Playstation. Depending on who the person is to you, we don't actually care what happens to them. A friend you met while playing Call of Duty isn't going to be missed if they get killed in a car accident, just another person you use in order to play a certain map (get something you want) that again, because that person isn't there with you, personally, it's cool to go out driving and purposefully annoy the other people around you; cut them off in traffic because they got in your way, and there's no way they might try to retaliate, like that news story of the teenager who got shot in the head at a red light for looking at the driver beside him, supposedly the wrong way at looking toward that other individual. Unintentional wrong looks in traffic get you killed. Do we really care about one another anymore, most of us?

Listening to people. I might nod, perhaps look unenthusiastic, I might rub my eye, look off in another direction; I'm still listening. In fact, question me if you must -- what was I just fucking telling you? That velociraptor's make the best talk-show hosts. Why was that? Because unlike all the other theropod dinosaurs, the velociraptor looks the most like Johnny Carson without a sport coat, unless, of course, you dress the dinosaur up and give him a wig...