
Friday, May 05, 2006

Shower thoughts- when you have a stroke of genius while showering or bathing. Those moments really are frustrating. You could be sitting on the couch or any other dry spot, thinking clearly of random topics, and either the stupidest, most repulsive things slip into your head or you try so hard, nothing comes of it. But doesn't it seem like every time you're scrubbing down, you start thinking your best stuff? Of course pencil/pen and paper is useless in water, so you have no place to write this junk down, until you get out of the shower/bath, but most times, it's too late- you've forgotten the thought. I sometimes wish I had a personal scribe; someone to stand at the ready, to sought down a note or two. For instance, I was thinking something about Rush Limbaugh and how he's not a credible journalist or author; that most of the shit spewed from his mouth is worthless and incoherent smut nobody cares to hear in the first place, and if you ever watch him talk, you might notice left over Oxycodone flying from his lips like the acidic spittle and gibberish-jammer he emits. I was thinking this while walking to my car, yet, when I got home, after driving for 15 minutes, I couldn't remember much of anything because my mind was numb from thinking about this:

Limbaugh claims that volcanoes do more harm to the ozone layer than human-produced chemicals. He stated in his best-selling book, The Way Things Ought to Be : "Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines spewed forth more than a thousand times the amount of ozone-depleting chemicals in one eruption than all the fluorocarbons manufactured by wicked, diabolical and insensitive corporations in history.... Mankind can't possibly equal the output of even one eruption from Pinatubo, much less 4 billion years' worth of them, so how can we destroy ozone?"
He called concern about the ozone layer and other evironmental issues: "Balderdash. Poppycock." "The only people who worry about it are 'environmental wackos'," "dunderheaded alarmists and prophets of doom."
Dunderheaded? Who actually uses that word? I'll tell you who: rapists of intelligence, plundering, pill-popping, loose-jawed 'Punch'-puppets turned editorializers who evangelize their opinions like a devout Catholic would the Passion. Limbaughs of the world, that's who.
What happens after a volcano erupts? After the emission of ash and mountain debris? It rains. The air is polluted with the ash, creating a layer that blocks out the sun. It rains; it's not good rain- the rain is a variety of chemicals, from volcanic gases, made of steam mixed with carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen, and/or fluorine, filter into the atmosphere, contaminating the air and groundwater, poisoning animals, killing plants, and causing breathing problems, but that's why you evacuate first. Why would you stay to breathe all that shit in, or be drowsed in that kind of rain? Only an idiot would stand with his or her mouth open, catching that rain in their gullet.
I think of a volcano as Mother-Earth's menstruation. No person wants to stare at a vagina as it leaks blood, so why stand in the middle of the disaster and get drenched in lava? You stand back from the devastation, knowing full well that if you get closer and closer to it, you are in more danger. Just like you stay a little bit of a distance away from a chick on her period. You never know when you might spring the trap and be murdered; you keep your fucking distance. As for saying volcanoes cause global warming, yeah, it's possible, but if mankind were to not release poison into the atmosphere, it would be a rare, friendly global warming, not the one thing that could tip the scales off balance. The rain and natural disasters after a volcano are what help cleanse the earth. Ash and water, I would think, would be a decent fertilizer.

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