
Saturday, July 15, 2006

A Little Bed-time Story Before I'm Through

While talking about 'the benefits', I had somehow come across something relevant that I'd like to share now. A lot of people against the foul act of smoking stated that all forms of smoking are bad for you. That meant cigarettes, cigars, pipe smoking, marijuana smoking...Etc, if the rest of that smoking might be crack or what-have-you, it all was bad. Certainly cigarette smoking is very bad for you; it's not only addictive, but cigarettes contain added properties to the tobacco that, once inhaled, kills you quicker, hence the reason why Phillip Morris states, "There is no such thing as a safe cigarette." Cigars, depending on which kind you get, are basically fatter cigarettes with more of the tar for your lungs. I say 'depending on which kind you get' because hand-rolled, right in front of your face, cigar manufacturing actually cuts out those harmful additives. Cigars are bad for you. Pipe smoking; more tar than cigarettes, but less than most store-bought cigars, though, that statistic irks me, unless, it's the actual tobacco itself containing the tar. With pipe smoking, you pack loose tobacco into the basin, and, you've got yourself a pipe ready to be smoked. This seems the safer of the three because you've basically cut out all the harmful ingredients; no paper used to roll the tobacco like you'd find on a cigar or cigarette, and the tobacco is freshly packaged tobacco, cut up, ready for you to use, unless they treat the tobacco with chemicals to keep it from spoiling, if tobacco spoils. I really don't feel like throwing up this morning to find out the real solution; I'm sure I'm missing something. I'd say smoking out of a pipe would be the best way, but people I've talked to say it's the worst. Then, we go into the other things you can smoke, like marijuana and crack cocaine. Marijuana, "burns you out!" 'You lose your will to control your own sanity' 'You destroy brain cells' 'You become retarded!' None of these claims are true.

Here's the truth - "Infection - Researchers at the recent American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Washington presented findings from animal studies that showed cannabinoids markedly altered helper T cell production of cytokines, which are important to resistance of infection. More disturbing, they provided strong experimental evidence that marijuana and other opiates may be co-factors in the progression of infectious diseases." - USA Today article, March 16, 2000
You are at greater risk of heart attack if you're middle aged, and, of course, the infection part of it goes into how your whole body is prone to illness.

There are many ways of fighting infection though. Vitamin C (strawberries, oranges, papaya, mangos, tomato juice) , for instance, strengthens many things in your body, and is a healthy antioxidant. Vitamin E (a variety of nuts, apples, spinach, pastas even!) an antioxidant vitamin involved in the metabolism of all cells, helps. You consume a lot of those vitamins, and that creates a strong defense against any type of infection.

Sadly, though, there are no positives to smoking crack cocaine...I really hoped it cured something, but it doesn't do any good...

Medicinal use of marijuana has revealed some very astounding results. It prevents and treats many types cancers, it reduces spasticity in MS sufferers, marijuana could reduce one's risk of developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma because it slows down the overproduction of harmful B cells...Wait, I'm catching on to something...

We've reviewed the negatives of cigarettes, cigars, and the pipe smoking of tobacco because, let's face it, there are no proven positives of tobacco use, no matter how you smoke it. Marijuana is a different story. Sure, risk using marijuana and increase your chance of infection, but, the last time I checked, an infection can be fought off and cured, emphysema, greatly connected with the use of cigarettes or other tobacco products, except snuff, can't be cured, and can only be prevented if you don't smoke.

The good sort of out-weighs the bad on marijuana. I don't condone the use of marijuana, but, out of those I've looked at just now, it seems marijuana is the safest, and holds the greatest benefit of them all. This reminds me of this time I went to this friend of a friend's house, and we were all outside, enjoying the night breeze, and, a few of my friends were drinking, I'm not afraid to admit, and a smaller few than that were burning one down. This girl I had just met that night, was standing right across from me, and she was offered a beer, and she refused because she had to go home later that night. She was then offered what the other people were doing, and she refused because she had to go home later that night. And she really was against the fact that these people were doing this in her presence because she had to go home later that night. Her parents would probably smell it on her if she helped burn one down. While she was explaining this, someone, I can't remember who, exhaled, and the smoke got caught up in the wind, and this person just completely blew everything he was holding in his lungs at her...And she was worried about everyone smoking in her presence!

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