
Sunday, November 05, 2006

"Sshhh-ers" and Reason

As though I were recapping the speech I was forced to sit through during my high school graduation, presented by the very tearful valedictorian, I am here today to hash out an annoyance of mine, not necessarily a pet-peeve, but just an occurrence that baffles me to this day, by delving into the history I've had with people like the ones I'm about to tell you about now. As far as kindergarten, there always seemed to be at least two of these people among my pubescent classmates; one of them being a person I would call my friend. Back then, I would say people would have entitled them as a "Sshhh-er." They received that label when they first would mock the teacher's "sshhing" mannerism, his or her method of controlling the noise level of the room. That little kiss-ass would play teacher just to be favored, or receive two milks instead of one during the snack portion of class, right before nap.
First grade was no different, except, you might have gotten sick of the echoing sshh coming from the lips of the kiss-ass to the extent that you would mouth-off to that person. That might have gotten you tattled on. Oh yes, "The Sshhh-er" was also a "tattler".
And after your isolation from the rest of your classmates because creating the odd-ball in the class gained nothing, but that was the punishment nonetheless, and you were placed outside in the hall, and were threatened to either be quiet, or your mum would be phoned, you came strolling back in, eyes damp with tears, and "The Sshhh-er" just grinned with glee. I remember being a very vengeful youth because right after being placed in the hall myself, and being welcomed back into the group with my enemy relishing the fact that I got in trouble, a crayon-turned-projectile felt like justice to me. Then, it was back outside the room, where this time, the teacher said, "What is wrong with you? You like being in trouble?" Where, in my heart, I knew my teacher must be blind or not have brains to not notice that faggot grinning back at me. How can you let that go? "The Sshhh-er" or "Tattler" was the one getting me in trouble, taunting me to do something, and my response was to fall into the trap because vengeance has a sweet taste to it.
Some people might say, "High school was hell for me being a new face entering a new world that I felt I didn't belong in." I felt the total opposite. Elementary school was hell for me. After all those times I was placed outside of my classmates, I started to feel like the odd-ball, and nobody wanted anything to do with me because I might get them in trouble. That was the beginning of my bad reputation.
Something triggered those past memories today. I heard a few mumbles and grumbles from one side of my work place, and on the other, a sshhh! Mumbles and grumbles, and another sshhh! A "Sshhh-er" was in the room.
Why is a simple release of air through locked teeth, where your lips control the pitch, while the increase of the air current controls the amplification of the sound to any octave necessary when expressing silence? Do you realize you are making more noise then the person you are sshhh-ing? You sound like a fucking snake! Stop it; that's annoying!
Ever found it necessary to sshhh back? Then you have this power struggle between who can be louder than the other person. Who started the sshhh? So, like many of my rants prior to this one, I decided to "Google" the question. Well, apparently nobody knows the answer. But, upon thinking back to how the people acted back then, and how they are now, a lot of "The Sshhh-ers" were anal-retentive bitches; actual bitches, and weaklings. Don't you wish that your vocabulary was as advanced as it is now, then, so you could have called those pricks hard-ass, kiss-ass shitheads, or, have just said, I hope your parents die in a fiery, and horribly bloody commuter train/vehicular collision?! I know I do! Then, it's back out to the hallway with you, a phone call to your mum, and, nowadays, a talk with the school counselor about school violence and some shit. Couldn't a lot of those screwed-up, Emo, student and principal killers you read about or see on TV, who have just slaughtered everyone at their school, have been those same odd-ball kids who weren't nurtured by the school system, and shunned from the classroom because of bad behavior brought on by forces they couldn't control? It can't always be the kids who are into death metal and play violent video games because they love to kill, right?
Partly, school violence can be blamed on neglect; family neglect to teacher/student relationship neglect. After Columbine, the board of teachers and the PTA all wanted answers to why a student or students would go on a shooting-spree through a high school. School is a cut-throat endeavor that, in certain situations, can strengthen a person's character or rape it, until it is nothing more than a dried out husk. "Sshhh-ers" and "Tattlers" are bullies in their own right, censoring free-speech, then running off to Big Brother. If ever you impregnate a mate, have a child together, and place that child into an academic institution, that child better not become a "Sshhh-er" or "Tattler," unless you want that kid to immediately be home-schooled shortly after the incident.
And that shit about school shootings is no open-shut sort of deal, either. There is reason behind everything. The parents want to believe violence and explicit content on television is to blame, along with the "Marilyn Mansons" in the world. Subliminal messages in music, with my citing being Judas Priest in the eighties, when two kids committed suicide because of the lyrics, can't be blamed for persuasion. Please, how mentally stable were those kids? I've said before that I myself have witnessed subliminal advertising; it had no effect on me. Okay, so that's not the best way to support my opinion. Let's just say, if Judas Priest in fact did record their music with subliminal messages in it, hoping that some of their listeners would kill themselves, that's funny; more than at least someone, because there were two kids in the story I read way back in my Psychology class, were stupid enough to kill themselves for a band that could care less what their names were, or the lives lost. Dumb fucks!
Speaking on behalf of reason, there is reason for everything we do. For those Vegans out there, there is a reason way we "supposedly" enslave an entire race of bovines and chickens - they are fucking delicious! I'll admit, that's a very arrogant thing for me to say, but human beings are not the highest on the food-chain for nothing. It's like organized religion. A person can jump up on stage during a press conference, before being dragged off and beaten to death, and shout out, "Christianity is the only religion you should believe in if you don't want to go to hell," and the press would run it, and other religious leaders would have a field day, saying, "what the hell were you thinking, media, for running slander like that?! You do it because you yourself are Christians, and believe the outspoken protestor was right!" Of course, Christians would receive complaints from the Atheists as well because they do not believe in any form of religion. The media, in return, could say to everyone, "We can run anything because we are not regulated, and it's free speech...chew on that!"
Just like that scenario, there are people out there that are not willing to embrace a vegetarian lifestyle; some people love meat, and it's not really that either. Some people love to hunt animals for fun. I don't understand why that is, but they do it. People associated in PETA, who drive around in shopping mall parking lots, waiting for some high-socialite to walk by in a fur coat, so they can jump out of their vehicles, and drench the poor, rich bastards in red paint, are just like those Atheists, who have protested saying "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, and those religious leaders who order their converts to fight wars, sometimes bloody wars because they are intent on being right, and cannot be wrong. To be wrong would wreck their already religion-filled lives, defying their religion's purpose.
When actually speaking with a vegetarian on this subject, the vegetarian said he just wanted people to open up to another way of life. With that said, he also told me about how he bitched out an old lady in animal skin.
I understand he thought he was doing the right thing, but he went about it the wrong way. Make a website or something, hand out leaflets; voice your opinion in some way. Take, for instance, my blog. In this world, I'm right. Outside of my blog, I probably have people calling me a bigot or a douche - whatever the clever insult may be. I don't care. The fact that nobody comments this blog is not surprising to me because there are so many blogs out there these days; some of those being credible. Although I try to be as accredited as humanly possible, some people might skim this and think, "what a liar that guy is," or, "this fucking cock is wrong!" No, I'm really not, but I take the criticism, and I don't resort to violence or hate-mongoring. My opinion on vegetarians: do what you want with your bodies; practice whatever you see fit to practice, don't force your beliefs on your opponents, and; people killing people, people killing animals, people destroying life has all been a part of human history. You won't change that. Stick to your beliefs and you are good. Simple, but effective procedure.
Is there always a reason for whatever happens? No. However long it takes for us to realize that depends on how stubborn a person is; how long it takes before a person will stop questioning, and accept the cards that are dealt to them is anyone's guess, and, again, it all depends on the person. For those families who dealt with the death of their daughters and sons in school shootings, they need to realize that finger-pointing at different elements of society that perhaps corrupted the sane minds of those who murdered their children, is no solution. So you sued a performing artist because of their lyrics in their music. The record was not pulled from the music stores. You just took money from the artist for reimbursement for your child's death; what solace is that?

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