
Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Red State

Some people are just fucking nuts; an example would be Fred Phelps. Him and his radical group slither in the grass up to funeral-motorcade for disembodied patriots, picketing the sites with slogans, such as, "Thank God for 9/11" or, again, in thankfulness to Him, for improvised explosive devices (IED's). Obviously, the man is not the most popular person on the face of the Earth, considering his website is, literally,

To prejudice someone for their lifestyle is in no way my concern in life, just as it's not Fred Phelps or anyone else's job to do the same to other people. If a person chooses to be homosexual or Jewish or a Fundamentalist Muslim or an orange, they have the right to do so. They also have the right to say, "You're going to hell," to anyone else, but it's no ones right to put their ideals into faith and say, "God says you're going to hell." You might have a connection with God, and that's awesome! - you love our Lord! But no one speaks for God, granted that Joan of Arc claimed she did. Besides, God didn't enlist Joan of Arc to go around clocking homosexuals or opposition of his faith over the head with a club, then instructing Joan to beat them mercilessly - though, I suppose it would be hysterical to see Joan pummeling random people, looking to the clouds and asking, "Like this, Lord - hit them like this!?" I don't think, since Jesus, has there been someone in the history of mankind who has said, "Guess what!?! Just got off the phone with Jehovah. He says you've got two options - become Christian and worship, or melt!" Frankly, I think if God, or Jesus-in-his-place, were to come down now, some drastic changes would be in order. So I like to assume that God has not necessarily thrown in the towel, but has become more lenient in what he does. Just look at masturbation. Some people claim it's sinful, but you can get away with it without Him smitting you on the spot. Back in the day, or, at least what has been stated in the Bible, if someone did something against God, they would be killed or he might level an entire providence of sinners for their actions. Unless God now has a filing system, and if you do something sinful, you get a hash-mark slashed beside your name. And maybe Heaven is like Chuck E. Cheese, where, upon reaching a certain level of sin, you are instantly placed upon a "naughty list" (You're going to hell...)

Kind of the opposite of Chuck E. Cheese, really. Instead of winning a Nerf product for 500 gold coins, you have only 500 slash-marks - fill those suckers up, and enjoy the dystopian lava-flow of hell, and don't forget the rape!

Back to the subject at hand, there are some right-headed people, and then there are iffy-people in our sane, for the most part, world. One day you might be driving down the freeway and notice a beat-up junker of a car passing by you with a "Baby's 'R' Us" bib suction-cupped to their right passenger-side window, a "Baby on board" bumper sticker, and a baby doorway jumper assembly box resting in their backseat, and that woman doesn't even fucking have a baby and does not know anyone who has birthed a human being - that woman saw the baby doorway jumper at the mall, and had (HAD) to have it! She also stores about fifty bottles of baby formula in her refrigerator, sometimes even washing off with formula sprinkled in her bath water, so she can literally smell like baby. And then there are people like me who only assume that frazzled-looking woman is like that.

For the most part, the deep south of America, and I am talking the bayou or southern Mississippi and Alabama, not "Deliverance" Georgia, is a looming preservation of how life once was and still, remarkably, remains for those few who accept...that....oh who am I fucking kidding, the deep south is full of the "old school" honest, but sometimes shady-folk, who still wish the Yankee's would have lost the war, and, sometimes, even though a few things got abolished in the 1860's, they continue to keep the mind-set their predecessors did way-back-when. In parts of the country like that, you might find a few people who think any man who wears sandals or dislikes the rebel flag are faggots or un-American. While in the restroom at the Dixie Stampede in Missouri - which is a little too close to the north to be considered the south, though, they like to think their just that - a man walked in, and, for no reason at all, as he hummed the National Anthem, he exclaimed, "those are the only colors I support - land of the free, and of the white...," in that isolated, red neck-tone we love to death! It doesn't help that our president can stand before the press and say, "If you're not with us, you're against us," and in another speech state, if you don't support the troop-serge, or support me, you're unpatriotic; un-American. By the way, I did not quote that last statement because I was unaware of its context - whether that was one statement or two. There is a difference, though, in supporting or being against war (pacificism) and supporting or opposing the troops themselves. I don't know what us "liberals," who are mostly made up of Democrats seen as Liberal because of their common distrust of Conservatives, have to say instead of the already resounding statement of, "I dislike war." It seems like every time someone says those three words, some supporter of the Iraq Conflict turns into Politiko, preserver of the Republican point-of-view, out to thwart those evil-doers who want to think independently, and dislike the title of sheep...

What ever happened to having your own fucking opinion, or, our country being a bicameral system of legislature? Bush might be a Republican president, but that does not mean the United States is now all-of-a-sudden Republican; we still have two main political parties. What's the rationalization here - are people just that dumb!? Honestly, just my opinion here, but it kind of sounds like a tyrant is in office. And maybe all it takes is for someone to get on Fox News, express their opinion, and if it cannot be countered and is not full of contradictions, then it must be right in the wrong person's eye. So maybe if Bill O'Reilly calls you a liar, and can switch the subject on you enough to blur the realm of reality, calling you out on what he knows is truth, but he would rather argue for the sake of ratings, then you should agree with him whole-heartedly because the facts are in favor of him...yet you're right....but he has unlimited resources at his disposal.....but you're right......

So I'll do what naturally gets done when someone is right, and the immature of the group decides to throw a fit - "You're wrong! You're WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!!!" ...and change the subject...some people are just fucking nuts; an example would be Fred Phelps.

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