The United States Presidential Elections have been concluded for awhile now, and Sir Barack Obama is now president-elect; I don't like that term, one bit. President-elect -- I realize Bush still retains office, but people, stop saying President-elect - it's annoying. I'd rather have them say newly-elected president, or, better yet, all you news-sites, come up with your own term for a person who has been elected president, but does not hold office. Everyone uses president-elect, and if one news source uses it, all of them start using it. Fact: if you hear a news cast on one station, flip to all the others - they all repeat the same shit, only a few twist the facts to their liking (ahem, Fox News; anymore even MSNBC) And yes, President-elect might be the official term used, but Jesus, every sentence is the president-elect-this-and-this, and, oh, Mr. President-elect; you can't just refer to him as Barack Obama, or Obama? Hell, I remember when former-President Bill Clinton was referred to as Governor Clinton before he took command, why not Senator Obama? We fucking get it -- he's president! Great! I know I'm really scrounging for this one, but isn't it referred to as reverse racism if you constantly insist on drawing all your attention on one aspect of a different race, for instance, the fact that Obama is the first black president? Hear me out: it would be like the news stations constantly referring to Obama as, "In today's news, first-elected-black President Obama issued..." (I realize by saying President-elect you aren't acknowledging any ethnicity, but it seems like it's almost alluding to an assured uncertainty of whether or not the guy was actually elected president, like we are in some kind of dream) Personal story, I was riding in a car from Wichita, and a black Toyota pickup passed us, and I just happened to glance at its bumper and saw the words 'Kill Obama' in silver paint. That guy's life is a fucking nightmare now that Obama is president, and I say, fuck that slanderous, outrageously racist dick! - Bush might have left a bad taste in my mouth, but I never wanted to kill the guy (yes, that pun was intended)
I like newly-elected president; I also like president-in-waiting...I'm sure if I had the time, I'd have more terms for you. What I don't like is how this post-election has been treated. Obama is a normal person, and he hasn't even been in office yet, and he's donned already as this savior. I was walking through an aisle at Target the other day - the coloring book aisle or whatever, with all the children's books and puzzle books - one of the books there was a children's book on Obama. I imagine it was full of pictures of him beating up ruffians, and returning the purse of an elderly lady before flying off to his ice-palace on Antarctica, or using his power-breath to blow away the next Katrina back to the middle of the ocean, saving some coastal providence. An infomercial was on the other day, which was trying to persuade me to order a golden coin with the image of Obama etched on it, and some bullshit drawn on the back of it, all for only 19.95! On The Daily Show, on a segment they like to call Back in Black with comedian Lewis Black, I heard people are selling t-shirts, decorative plates depicting Obama, other shit that will linger in a storage closet here in the next ten years. Come on, really?!? My God, you're really exploiting the next president of the United States; shame on you! Marvin, you genius son of a bitch, you've done it again! First, it was the 'I Survived Katrina by Floating on my Drowned Neighbor's Body' t-shirts, and then the 'Earthquake! in Indonesia Electric Toothbrush' that, once vibrating and the picture of a tropical resort village shakes, the buildings begin to crack; now, the Obama commemorative plate, with stand. I could do this my whole fucking life!
So, since the president has been decided, who else has heard the claims of Sarah Palin throwing fits after reading each briefing every morning? It's fact -- actually, Fox News were the ones who ran the story. It appears she didn't know basic Civics, or many of the responsibilities of the vice-president. She actually threw -- what her staff referred-to-as -- tantrums. I FUCKING CALLED THAT! If you remember, or paid attention while reading my last post, or read it at all - because I don't have readers, I know that, it's a fact; nobody reads this garbage -- I stated that I believed Sarah Palin looked like the type of person who would start screaming uncontrollably if put in a compromising situation. And it's true! What integrity, indeed! Wow, three times, Mr. McCain, and still NOTHING!
I just realized, at work, when people are talking to me, I don't fucking listen. A girl asked me if she could get on a computer, just as someone else was getting off and exiting the lab, I asked her name (I was typing a sentence in here, my blog, at the time) I even had the girl repeat her name, separate, starting with first then last, and still, when I switched over to my Excel spreadsheet, I couldn't remember it. In fact, before she even gave me her name, she asked if she could get on a specific computer, one that just so happened to be next to her friend, and after taking her name and forgetting it instantly because I don't fucking listen to these people, I told her to pick whichever was open, a complete contradiction to me letting her know it was okay for her to sit next to her friend. To quote musician Phil Collins, "I don't care anymore...'mo, no''''mo, no'more..."
I'll leave you all with one of my favorite poems:
Hey Tony,
I like the things you do.
If I could I would be you.
The one and only tiger
with the one and only taste.
You know how to take a breakfast and make it, mmmm'GREAT!
Frosted Flakes are more than good; THEY'RE GREAT!
1 comment:
you make me laugh uncontrollably.
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