
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lakers/Nuggets, Going on Holiday Soon, A Birthday, Best Friends, Scooters, and Horses

I will be taking my very first flight in the next month, which seems pretty awful - 22 years old and I've never flown before. Probably a lot of people have never flown, so I guess I'm grateful I'm not that person, and who knows, maybe their afraid of flying. Ha, I laugh in the face of their fear!
You see, I'll be in San Francisco the last of June with the good ol' family. I'm gonna make funny faces at fish, eat fantastic seafood and walk into bars alone wearing Denver Nuggets attire. What a rabble-riser I yam! If you think about it, Lakers fans could be all over that fucking state. It would also be nice if the Nuggets would just bury the Lakers in the next 2 games of the playoffs. I really don't like those Los Angeles Lakers.

Speaking of 22, I celebrated a birthday on the eighteenth. It really wasn't much of a birthday. I went to work, and then I bought myself some beer. The hours I was at work really ruined the day. Every day that I work is a ruined-day...

I think I'm writing a book. It sounds like a book, it's expansive like a book, I've written a lot of words and it's expletive with many a detail like a book. Before, I had called it a writing project, but now, I'm confident in calling it a book. I've started many writing projects that have gone nowhere, so I won't be surprised if in three months I've torn up everything to do with this project. Let's not get any one's hopes up!

Just about every weekend now I've been stopping by the drive to talk to Jay. He's my best friend's dad. I like it that no matter how mature a person gets, when it comes to friends, that person isn't ashamed to admit he still refers to that one special friend as his/her best friend, and why should that person be ashamed! He's not my good friend, Jon is my best friend! And then follow that up with a and don't you forget it! That's just one thing I'll never let go from my childhood, the feudal system of the friends. The best friend is at the top, no one can trump his/her position. He/she is there for the long-haul, like the Pope. They've been with you the longest, you can tell that person literally anything. Below that person are your good friends. They might also be an acquaintance of your best friend. You hang out with them many a-time, and they might treat you like family. This top portion of the feudal system is your extended family more than likely. Below that are friends, or people you talk to a lot, maybe hang out with, and you all enjoy each other's company, but that's about it. Then acquaintances and so forth.

Like I stated, I've been visiting my best friend's dad on the weekends. Usually later in the night, for a good 2-3 hours, we stand out on the driveway of his home, and talk. It's been a lot of fun. And since his son has been out of the country, I think it's been rather helpful so Jay doesn't get lonely. Jon is the baby of the family and they're not used to him being away for so long. So I step in and do my part. And on most occasions, the weather is cooperative. Jay has a lot of entertaining stories, and I really like listening to the man talk.

A couple days ago, I busted out the scooter and went for a ride in Carey Park. I've noticed from time to time that motorcyclists will signal me, either with a peace sign or just their index finger out to the side of their ride. I flash a peace sign back, and never my index finger alone, I still don't get that. What is this some sort of commune? I'm riding a scooter, not a Hog. I'm not comfortable with the exchange. This isn't a gang, I just like riding a scooter...
If I was on a motorcycle myself, still, I don't want to have to signal everyone else on a motorcycle each time I pass them. What if I signal someone twice, or it's a group that ride, is one signal enough or am I being disrespectful? And why are a lot of them wearing leather and chaps!? You don't have to wear those clothes in order to ride a Harley. Hell's Angels my ass, the Hell's Angels would stab you if they saw you trying to act tough with your gloves and steel-toed boots. Shit, it's pretty hard to try and look cool riding a scooter, don't signal me! What are you trying to do, snub me!? Look at this jerk, I'll signal him as a joke, see if he does it back. He did it back! Oh my god, what an idiot! Can I start riding a horse around town? Maybe a group of us equestrians can ride up and down the road, maybe come up with our own signal.

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