If a certain library were to offer you free use of 22 computers set up in a small corner of their 2nd floor landing, would you change one computer's account name to read your own, save all your researched information in a folder labeled your name, or add programming you want to utilize on to the hard drive of the computer you are on? Of course you wouldn't! Why should the library grant you permission to do that? They didn't set up 22 computers for you to treat as your own - they are possessions of the library, and you are there to use the computer for research, social websites, and emailing alone.
Did you put money down for that computer? It would be like going to your favorite restaurant and once you receive the menu, you opt out of that, and place on the table a bag of mini tacos, and you order your waiter to deep-fat fry those sons of bitches to a golden brown and that's what you'll have. Using the restaurants own property, their cookers in the kitchen, to get what you want, well, that's not going to happen! Don't expect it to!
Damn'it to hell! I had a spat with a patron today, and the argument ended with me saying: "We don't allow Limewire or any other site used to pirate music, movies, or pictures on our computers. That software is illegal, pirating copyright material is against the law, and if caught, we could be fined. It's not hard to get caught. Most ISP's frown upon such action, and we could lose our internet capabilities in this department if caught. So we don't allow it. Now, if you were to go out to Best Buy, Walmart, any place that sells computers, and you bought your own PC, do whatever floats your boat! That's your property. But while you are in here, you'll follow our rules. I should kick you out indefinitely for loading Limewire on the computer we have graciously lent out to you. That's not your computer! When did you start thinking you could change our settings on OUR computers? Oh, is buying your own computer too expensive!? Then you should be thanking your public library for allowing you a place like this, not abusing your privilege. What's the matter with you!?"
Every once and awhile you run into those such assholes who think we somehow owe them something, whether its through the tiring lines, "But I pay taxes to keep your doors open!" What a crock of shit! Your tax money is maybe going towards six fans that move the hot, stinky air around in the lab, or part of the budget money we use to keep our printers furnished. Maybe your hard earned money went to pay for the exterminators who had to spray for fleas in the lab - we had FUCKING FLEAS! I went home itchy!
Good point, asshat, let's just save what money we do get to provide computers for you, by moving them all down to the basement so you aren't allowed access to them. We could sell them off to employees and forget the general public; get rid of the lab altogether. Does your mother sew? Boom, have your mother sew that! Man, was I pissed off; what ignorance!
A more friendlier post will be up here tomorrow. One with pictures; do you like pictures!? And correspondance! I'm still making progress on the book. Hey, what excitement, huh!? A book!?! Stay tuned!
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