Has it been that long since I've ate an atomic fireball that now they taste weak, or did they change how they make them? Maybe it's my taste buds (it's probably my taste buds) but I used to refuse to eat these because they would literally burn a hole in my tongue. Now it's the equivalent of Big Red gum. This was, from the very beginning, an uncomfortable candy. Imagine putting a real fireball in your mouth. Now measure its impact in the megatons. ATOMIC FIREBALL!!
A little over a year ago, the Japanese government officially recognized Tsutomu Yamaguchi as a double hibakusha, or the Japanese word for a person who survived a nuclear bombing. Tsutomu Yamaguchi was confirmed to be 3 kilometers from where "Little Boy" was detonated in Hiroshima while he was on a business trip.
"I remember one business trip to Okinawa, I was supposed to be comped in a five star hotel, and you'd think five star, best in the world. The mattress I was on was lumpy, I fuckin' hated it, there's no turn-down service, I had to make my own fuckin' bed, and some douche bag on the floor above me was having a disco that lasted ALL FUCKING NIGHT!" "Hey asshole! The city I was in while on a business trip was obliterated by an atomic bomb!"
He was seriously burnt on his left side and spent the night in Hiroshima. He got back to his home city of Nagasaki on August 8, A DAY, what shit luck, right, before "Fat Man" was dropped on the city, and he was exposed to residual radiation while searching for his relatives. He was the first officially recognized survivor of both bombings. Just imagine being in your house, relaxing, or trying to because the skin on your left side is peeling off and the pain makes it uncomfortable and downright excruciating, you're having to sleep on your right side or right in the middle of the damn bed the whole night and the whole morning and afternoon. You glance over out your window to the horizon, and be damned if there isn't a God damned mushroom cloud. "Fuck, not again..."
Some people believe they bring bad weather with them when they fly to visit relatives far away, and weeks before the climate where they're visiting was nothing but sunshine and cool breezes, then your aunt arrives, and it's nothing but rain and thunderstorms, and let's say she lives on the northern west coast where it's almost always cloudy. This guy brought an atomic bomb with him...
I thought it was bad when everyone in the NBA decided, "Hey, let's all act like a bunch of players with a peanut in our heads, and chew on our mouth guards like college players or high school players, like the mouth guard wasn't there to protect our teeth, and was really there for us to teeth on like a baby's teething ring." Then I noticed a new trend making its way through the NBA -- licking your lips.
Especially the Lakers. Odom whips that pink trout around his lips like he's eating out the fat Kardashian he's married to. And if he's not married to her and just engaged -- I don't rightly know if they're married, if they're not -- by this time in the relationship she's his wife. I just know showing your tongue, showing your teeth like Kobe did Game 4 of the semis in last year's playoffs, getting a gay, spikey bull-dyke haircut like Sasha Vujacic, is doing absolutely nothing to improve the look of the Lakers. And I boil it down to one man in particular...Pau Gasol. Is there anyone in the league as goofy and gawky as Pau Gasol? Perhaps I've stated that before. I know one thing for sure, to hear Russell Westbrook of the Oklahoma City Thunder admit his favorite player is Pau Gasol is beyond appalling! NOBODY should like that goofy mother fucker, and admitting you do should be like looking upon Medusa's gaze and being turned to stone, only you become a lumpish maladroit with a gay, sweaty curly cut hairstyle, and pasty ass skin.
Back to the topic of tongue-lashing, it's just as worse, even more so than showing your teeth, and speaking of Pau Gasol, every once and awhile he still does show his teeth! Kobe has now started to lick. Don't you know you look like a fucking dog. No! It has just come to me. They all look more like a couple of school children. I don't know about you, but when I was in the first grade, and subsequently going as far forward than that as third grade, there were certain kids in my class who would stick out their tongue, let's say, while concentrating hard, or completing a project, at some points even out of frustration. They couldn't refrain from doing it, it was always, "Doing a rough and complicated multiplication problem, gotta work it out," tongue sticking out the side of their mouth. These same kids I'll see out in public, I'll run in to them on the street or at a restaurant, when they decide to calculate up how much of a tip to leave behind for the wait-staff instead of throwing down a five and a few bills, which is a damn good tip by the way, they're not still sticking out their tongue crunching the numbers up in their noggin, nor do I ever see them with that tongue outside their mouth doing anything else other than going down on a chick. What the hell started them on that whole pretense, and further, what's stopping them from doing that now? Was it when they entered the fourth grade that they decided, "hey, you know what? I look like a dumb ass!! Why, if I refrain from sticking that half-portion of my tongue out the side of my lips, maybe people will start realizing I'm not a homo (in the unintelligent vernacular)
Put that fucking tongue back in your mouth! Jesus Christ, will it be like this every fucking year!?! I don't know if it started this year per say, but it's already a fad among players to dance in front of the camera during the shoot around. I can't really say anything against that because it is entertaining and I guess cool to see some of my favorite players strutting their stuff. Hell, years before it was cool to arch your arm after a shot, it seemed good luck to do a free throw attempt without the ball in your hand, to mimic the free throw before you took it as if to improve your stance. Steve Nash, Ray Allen, countless others, have all licked the tips of their fingers to improve, I'm guessing once again, traction on the ball. If you must greatly more so spread germs while the balls in your hands, so be it. Everybody wants your strep throat or stomach flu!
What will it be next year? Let's all bump our heads on the soft part of the goal moments after making a drive with the ball and performing a stellar power-play like Kevin Garnett. Let's all look like a bitch like Mike Bibby!
I'm not too big on talking while using the restroom. I am trying to piss, my back is turned to you, and if you're at the urinal next to me, I'm not going to make eye contact with you. Just forget it. Plus, are you absolutely going to have a stellar conversation with someone while peeing? Do you talk to people while they shit, as well? What if the person you are talking to is shitting while you're just standing there, flapping your gums at the stall door. Great! Enjoy the fierce smell of that person's fury.
It's too much.
If you want to communicate, wait for me outside, or simply meet me up at the sinks. I'll talk to you while washing my hands, in fact, when have you ever had a bad conversation when mirrors are involved? Every row of sinks in a bathroom has a mirror. You don't even have to turn towards the person you are having a conversation with, you just look at their reflexion in the mirror. Hell, you could be grooming yourself and still have a respectful conversation with a person in the mirror if you must talk in a bathroom. And for the other people around you using the bathroom it's discourteous. Who knows what the hell the topic of the conversation is between you and this other person. You could be talking about the discomfort of catheters, or pet food that tastes the best even though it's for animals. Nobody wants to listen in on a full conversation taking place in the men's room. Don't think for a second everybody is just ignoring what you people are talking about.
Another strange thing about this blog topic is when the bathroom is completely empty. Let's say, instead of a restroom full of men, it is just you and this other person. Seriously, you can't wait to have this conversation out in the open, you have to have it in the privacy of a restroom? Do your business and then talk, don't walk into a bathroom and start talking. In fact, once you are through the doors, just keep your mouth zipped for a while, at least until I'm through doing my business and I'm up by the sinks, and that's if you both walk to the restroom and go in together. How about stumbling in on someone washing up as you walk in, and then walk up to the urinal, and in these cases, that's the situation, I'm specifically talking about when you are using a urinal. I've used stalls before and commented on the things a friend of mine was talking about. Was it weird? Yes it was. But it's understandable, you're not out there. Nobody can see you in the stall, unless they want to see your feet.
I'm talking about when you walk in, unbeknownst that another individual is even in the restroom, the door swings open and you walk in, and there's someone you recognize, drying their hands. Talk about a surprise. What are you supposed to do, hold it, until they are done talking? I guess it really depends on who the other person is. For instance, a good friend is beyond the door, then I might be inclined to hold it, again depending on the situation. If it's diaherrea, there's no question. You rush in, ignore the friend, and take a shit. You might even apologize, but let's face it, that other person has rushed out of the bathroom hearing the explosiveness of your bomb in the stall. If it is a bladder expanded beyond the comfort zone and you're actually doing the potty dance holding it in, you might as well forget communicating. This calls for emergency action.
Maybe you feel the call, but it's not an emergency. Hey, then we might have a little small talk before I go relieve myself. But there's still something we aren't taking into account for, and that is, what if the person in the restroom, as you go in, is a conversationalist, or, a person who can't limit the amount of words that come out of their mouth. Maybe the person is a psychopath who will have a completely random conversation with pretty much anyone they come in contact with. How do we approach this? Well...you could suck it up, and have a lovely little chat with the person in the bathroom; I warn you, this could be lengthy. Or, you could do what I would do in the situation, and just walk out of the restroom, and find another place to do your business, like, another restroom. If they follow you to the other bathroom, then you can have a conversation with them about why they would first continue talking to you knowing full well you walked out on that conversation in that bathroom, to find some place more private, and two, this is their second visit to a restroom. The bathroom before -- that was where they were previously, and hadn't they already used the restroom? Now it seems perculiar that they would follow you to another restroom just to talk to you, and if I know psychopaths, they don't like to have you point out that they're nuts! So more times than usual, they will slink out of the situation knowing they are in the wrong, they might mutter to themselves, imbarrased, but more importantly, they leave you to your peace. Again, more times than usual, they won't be waiting for you outside the restroom to begin talking to you again. This is because they are still imbarrassed and want more than anything to halt all imbarrassment, and leave you alone today. If by chance they are waiting for you outside, it might be time to tell them that you don't like them, and they need to leave you alone. Obviously they know you already which is why they initiated a conversation in the first bathroom with you in the first place. This might be the best time for you to tell them they are harrassing you, and that you only talked to this person in the first place, way before you heard the call of nature, a year or so more before this blog was wrote, when you first talked with this person because you were at work, and you have to be friendly with the customer while at work.
The office relationship really screws you in the end. You have more of an opportunity while at work to meet unsavory people because you're a completely different person than you normally are because again, YOU ARE AT WORK. Most people will put up a front, masking how they normally treat complete strangers because it's written, usually within a code of conduct that they must be friendly to the customer. You have to be afforble. Why this is, I don't know. I don't know why employers do this. Every bad situation I can think of, where I'll be out in public, away from work, and a nutcase who recognizes me from work stops me and chats, maybe we're in a bathroom when this conversation takes place, or, speaking excusively of bad situations, every time a customer gets too friendly with a worker, usually begins stalking them because they feel there is a connection between the two because again, they have to be too nice -- it all could have been eliminated if the worker were able to tell those customers, “Look, I know you want companionship, but I don't like you, nor do I like acting like a fake person in order to please you. Please walk away.” No, we have to smile and make the nice.
Most of those people you make the nice with are those you wander unbeknownst upon in the bathroom, and they always want to chat with you. It could all be completely averted had you not had to make the nice with them while at work. That's why if you find yourself at a job where your employer could care less whether you were nice to the customer, that's a win in my book. Treat people like their a bunch of liars.
Don't you think some people need a good ass-kicking? Or really taking it to the ultimate extreme, don't you kind of not feel so bad when you hear on the news that a guy was shot to death in a junkyard? Sure, you should always give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but you never even knew what type a person that was. What if they were a fucking thief getting their just desserts, or had an abortion. Wouldn't that be like murdering someone? And the answer to that extreme is no, it isn't like murder, and a person getting shot to death in a junkyard is pretty messed up on our part, as humans I mean. We kill each other in anger sometimes. Other times out of jealousy. Screwed up, isn't it?
So, we choose to look at it like this: some people just need the shit kicked out of them, or if we could shoot to maim, yes!! What bothers me is, and I guess it still bothers me since I've stated this before, but people out there mess and harrass and meddle in other people's lives just for the hell of it. They get a rise out of it, like tormenting another person is amusement like some sort of game. Yeah, a game would be a great description for that. Doesn't it seem like some of the angst is done just because the other person thinks they're better than the person they are fucking with? Yeah that's awesome. Piss someone off for the fun of it. I'm the same person telling my readers (reader) to treat complete strangers like a bunch of liars.
Why is it a good idea to treat people all as equal liars, cheats, degenerate assholes who only care about their own personal gain? To instill humility? No, it probably has something to do with the majority of people being selfish assholes who will lie and cheat to get their way. And then there's other people who read into certain ideas a little too strongly, taking everything out of proportion. Most of these people are also very, very dumb, ignorant and brainless lemmings. They fall into believing all the latest fads and crazes, like those douche cunts who think gardening is so cool now most likely in an attempt to grow their own vegetables, thinking it's smart and productive, cost efficient in what they believe is a society scared out of spending because of the recession. Wrong. More like everything from video games/online gaming to the way we shop and purchase our groceries and goods has made a huge profit seeking capitalist switch in order to rob more money from the precious budgets set in action to prevent overspending by the same worker as discussed before who happens to hate his fucking job. He most likely smokes pot to self medicate because he doesn't fucking like the shift his world he once knew has made. Maybe he's an alcoholic, how about a pill-popper? Maybe he actually takes a hard drug in order to remain positive, but still suppressed. Or oppressed. But mostly subdued and caged because we wouldn't want Americans rioting would we, the likes of Greecians. Keep them civil and protesting, pacifistic and non-violent. Lashing out would just get them hurt. This brings us to another group of people. Pussies with an attitude and a loud mouth. People who won't actually do anything if provoked into a fight, but they won't prevent themselves from calling you a cock sucker and a faggot first.
Forget it, they all deserve to be talked down to and made to feel like idiots. If they prove to be wiser, perhaps cut them some slack. Be a little less condescending, maybe see how they digest a witty pun. Be funny. You never know. They could actually be cool.
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