That's me yawning. I'm tired! I already wanna use a sick day, but I know that's not cool. To make another person work for me because I don't want to. Although you might not believe this, I've never taken a personal day. I have taken a lousy sick day, and by lousy sick day I mean that I either had a headache or body ache that limited me from wanting to do shit or I had eye pains or redness that limited my vision and it sucks cock to work at a computer when you're having trouble seeing shit. Then I'll call in. I'm not on my death bed, but I'm not singing, twirling around in a meadow in a dress, in the Alps either.
Which, doesn't it seem like those are the comparisons: you're either dying or 102% healthy, you can never be middle ground, and if you are, and enjoy your job, middle ground is still healthy, you pop a Benadryl and you make things so. When you're dying or wishing you were dead because you're unable to swallow and a mouth breather since your nostrils and head are stuffed and you're leaking snot and mucus all over yourself in a clinic waiting room and you've hoarded the tissue box, everyone considering it belonged to you, that you brought it in with you. No, it was once at the receptionist's desk. When it probably wasn't even safe for you to drive yourself to the clinic you're so miserable, leaving the pharmacy with like fifty little paper bags with instructions stapled to the outside of them, get yourself home and don't reconsider calling in, take some sick leave.
I, on the other hand, am alright. Never will I say I'm doing just fine it's always, oh, I could be better.
I think what's bothering me is how helpless everyone acts. If you aren't guiding them through everything by the hand, the most simple of tasks will always be so difficult for people. When Google couldn't list off any brain fart you had and was curious to search for on the Internet, you had to do a little research. What was at your disposal? An encyclopedia, journals, records, essentially books. You might even utilize a phone. Hohum, another yawn. I'm almost positive whatever quarry a person has about the computer is in regards to something irrelevant.
You want to know how you can get some revenue -- tax the Internet. You should also legalize marijuana around or near the time you decide to tax the Internet, you'll see an economic jump that's never been recorded before. Tax each person who uses the Internet, make it almost impossible to have free access anywhere. Hell, I can't get on open networks anymore because my neighbors have utilized placing a key phrase or password on their network. Remember when nobody did that and you could pick up a signal anywhere!? Then along the way someone mentioned most routers come with software to prohibit outsiders from stealing the net, and I think a movie or two was made, and someone became rich writing a book, no, an anthology on the practice, now everyone guards their backdoor. So tax 'em. There once was a shoe tax (repeat those words) there once was a shoe tax and a hat tax and a brick tax and a masturbation tax.
That's why there was not an economic crisis until our country was like a clown car and everybody was invited in. Or stole a seat. In a clown car? Okay okay. Everything had a tax. What freedoms we now have, huh! And we still can't get it to work. How spoiled we are, no one is holding anything over our heads. We don't have a king squeezing the inheritance out of us. We have a congress with the assistance of a stir crazy media using fear mongering against us.
And for crying out loud let the New Yorkers decide whether they want a mosque at ground zero. Obama opening his fucking mouth about it, Jesus, take a page from the Clinton book. You don't have to answer every question asked, you arrogant fuck! Cut his microphone! The federal government doesn't give a shit about ground zero. That's not hallowed ground to them. I'm still suspicious of the reasons why America was attacked. To stage a patriotic uprising in our own country; to boost the approval of nationalist power or to help fuel a holy war between Christians and Muslims? There's ulterior motives at hand. Communists used to stage events as propaganda to snag the opinion of their opponents, sort of like saying, tragedy was averted by the efforts of the Kremlin, this is what your country does for you, your country protects you, love your country. It's a thought. All I know is, what's the big deal whether you build in the location of an old Burlington Coat Factory where you can love the way you look, I guarantee it, two blocks down from supposed monument to the victims of 9/11, why the hell can't they have the mosque some place else. Are their other groups located around that neighborhood; a synagogue across the street, how about the nearest location of a Catholic church, where's that in vicinity of this Burlington Coat Factory? There's NOTHING! And it's to my knowledge that they can't even afford the renovations needed to turn the BCF, the KFC of clothes, into a mosque/community center, so where in the hell will they get their funding, overseas organizations or in-house? Shit like that makes my showers longer in the morning.
It's relaxing to stand under a sprayer hosing me down with warm water most of the time in the early morning right after I woke up. Being fully undressed helps. You don't want to be wearing a suit and taking a shower. Or maybe you do, I don't know your lifestyle. I have myself a plethora of shower-thoughts, most of them running down the drain with the soap and shampoo water because I'll be drying off trying to rethink what I was rambling about in my head in the shower and those thoughts are lost from grogginess.
Hunger. We just can't seem to live within our means. I get a new paycheck every month, the first thing I start doing towards the end of the month is figure up how much of that next check I can spend and how much needs to go away. They have a term for such practice - it's called budgeting. I need new headphones. I liked the cup-style of my old pair of headphones that snapped on me during my vacation in Wyoming and Montana. I've looked around and I don't think I like the way some of these manufactures are forming the earphone part of the speakers. Too much over the ear, I can guess I'll ear-sweat all over the inside of the cup. Not an important investment. Neither is a UK edition boxed set of the Harry Potter books or the HBO cowboy drama Deadwood for the first time on Blu ray. It worries me to think about how much money I've spent on useless shit; money that could have been building if I had only entrusted it to my bank account. I mean it's already paid for. I like cash, and if I make a card transaction, it's debit. I don't have to wait for a deduction at the end of the month or a bill for that matter. I've tried reasoning to myself, like Willie Nelson once said, what you earn you should spend. O nagging guilt.
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