Starting a post with 'I think' did not suit me, so here goes the many things I've had on my mind, strictly opinions. People of different generations have similar and differing opinions, we can all agree on that, however, I've noticed people of the Great Depression-era and early-Baby Boomers can most heatedly agree that the people at the forefront, in control of this country are going to hell in a hand-basket.
It doesn't look right when huge insurance corporations or banks get bailed out for basically lending too much, but the real concern is why were they prompted to loan so much money to people who couldn't pay it back?
Then it becomes apparent that a lot of homeowners were refusing to pay their mortgage payments because it was either pay for the things that would keep them alive; food, water, electricity, or the way the media spun it, they were jacking up loads of credit card debt and that contributed to the credit crisis -- the alternative being, pay for gasoline which would fuel their cars so they could continue to work or transport goods such as food, water, other necessities from the store where they purchased the merchandise back to their homes.
Since gas prices were reaching beyond five dollars a gallon in some areas, also much consideration to where they were working/how much of that gas was used in order to get around and what was consumed daily, here's the decision some of those people faced -- quit their jobs which supplied their income because gas prices were outrageous, or quit paying for a house, essentially live out of their vehicle. That does not compute.
Groups soon turned up, first in the financial district of New York, to protest greed and economic inequality between the wealthiest 1%, and the rest of the population, and to undue the stranglehold corporations had on our government, most notably from the finance sector. These types of groups wondered how one area of people were able to skim off the top millions, almost billions over several years, yet other financiers, other people were laid off or simply making barely scraps, how any of that rationale was justifiable. A people's general assembly consisting of individuals who opposed budget cuts began amassing around the world to voice frustrations such as, but not limited to why a small conglomerate of the population would knowingly steal and embezzle a shit ton of money and seemingly get away with it, without imposing jail-time, or, say they were prosecuted, how a monetary fine and essentially a slap on the wrist was enough of a punishment for such a crime. Mostly, those embezzlers risked house arrest or miniscule jail-time for their high-crime, not the verdicts these criminals deserved. And that's where all of this is trickling down to -- these protests were in favor of stopping crooks from cheating the system. Degenerates. Assholes. Crooks; a bunch of low-life hoods who had found a way to milk money into private accounts so they could retire fat and loaded, then move out of the country with the money.
That's what America has become, says the GD-era early-Baby Boomers who's parents were the backbone of an emerging superpower, and themselves hardworking loyalists of their beloved country, no longer is it the norm to work for what you have, but to take it by any means. To be a crook.
There's loads of them in office; I suppose some handling our money, our retirement, our future, and sure, it's not right for me to hold everyone in those positions accountable because they're not all villains in the whole scheme of things, but it's slowly becoming a reality that what I've worked for, and others, won't be there when I need it, or more so, someone will come along and want to change how that system works, and that will surely mean "sacrifices" to where, okay, these people shit all over things, and it's my generation who will pay for the clean-up. Generally that's what you do with thieves. What should be done with thieves? Good ol fashion hangin' -- some parts of the world chop their fucking hands off -- but I'd say hangings would suffice.
Now I'm being irrational, we can't just hang a person. Well, why the fuck not? We're willing to despise one another individually or pull the wool over on one another for our own gain, outright lie and hold grudges; while you're on to something, critique even the minuteness displays of emotion, and even how well a person does a certain thing to it's cliched expectations, and mounting expectations they are for you to live up to -- does it feel like I'm going on-and-on about this? Yep, I see people as mistrusting and easily suede to present animosity towards outsiders.
We couldn't accept the limitations that humans have, like promoting organized slave-labor with full benefits, sick-time, dental, and vacation days, and still not be satisfied by its production, so forget humans, let's go with computer-programmed androids which we duh! - don't pay. Then, taking that unreal non-existent bag of bills to shady shady investors from the Mediterranean, I guess? Not having our investments pan out, so oh look, an empty life raft -- wait, one survived that wreckage, a perfectly good life raft, and out here away from the missing or drowned life rafts, oh, it does have a skeleton in it, let's hope it's not the lost skeleton of Cadavra cave.. and then realizing, fuck what we just did to the cruise-liner, we needs to take another cruise, only let us all take more money.
Inexperienced politicians/professional criminals who aren't educated beyond slapping hands and conversing, rambling, who are well spoken for, but otherwise useless, get appointed positions, seemingly don't work out; you hear about these cabinet members coming aboard, beloved, highly motivated, but then some tension rises, and out they go, now tell me, some of these people, what the hell were they doing there in the first place? Guy moves up the ladder, one position after the other, and nothing but great things streaming from that experience, gets to the front office with a perceived ulterior motive, and perhaps working with his or her fellow constituents, has a motive of theirs in mind, using his or her new power to push things through. Working in that environment for so long, you tend to compare it to prison because you might go in as a drug peddler, and graduate a larcenist. It corrupts you. What do we house in that complex on the hill, that prison, but criminals?
Just to show you what potential some of our beloved leaders have that's witnessed during campaigning, how one instance people are praising you, the next you're gutter trash, just look at Pennsylvania Senate candidate Tom Smith. Tom got in to a hot ol bucket of steaming potatoes the other week when he decided, "the hell with sounding like a dumbass like that Representative Todd Akin from Missouri, if we're going to discuss topics I have no business commenting on -- like, how many Mentos is too many Mentos to be shoving in a bottle of Diet Coke, to witness a pop explode -- or rape -- that, you're honestly comfortable with saying a woman has a way of 'shutting down' a pregnancy after or during a committed rape, and can determine and work her body so she has a choice whether to essentially have a baby with a rapist or not, well then, are you ready to hear my crazy-logic!?"
Yeah, you've lived something similar. You asked your daughter, "How come just about every morning I can hear you in the bathroom clearly vomiting in the stool while the shower is running, though you act as though you're coughing or clearing your throat? Is something the matter?"
Daughter: " ... well it couldn't be that I'm pregnant, and still in the morning-sickness phase, but I'm goin with bad egg salad..."
"Now honey, you know we're a red meat and potatoes-family, that eggs have their 'place' but not after 11. You're clearly hiding a little baby bump under that ugly fucking sweater your wearing, that I told you to throw out quicker than an unwanted pregnancy. I'm sorry, pumpkin, I was listening to George Carlin this morning; got me a tad riled up."
And so a daughter's mistake came into light, and a father made a decision to stand by her after she "...chose life, and I commend her for that," he said in an interview. "She knew my
views. But, fortunately for me, I didn't have to ... she chose the way I
thought. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't rape." But it's like it, right, because they didn't want this, they were left with the consequences of their mistake? Your daughter goes out with a group of her girlfriends for some dinner, some drinking, then it's off to a cluster of bars where she becomes less and less concerned with her actions, meets a guy prowling for a good lay, has sex with him later that night, skip ahead 4 weeks, and sure enough, the consequences of her actions lead to a thin plastic applicator with her urine staining the end giving her a positive readout, now Senate-candidate Smith let's hope, nine months down the line, is a new grandfather. I'll be repeating that story as a rape victim. Drinking and laughing back at the club with her girls, she spots that handsome stranger again, musters up the confidence to stand next to him ordering her next drink, hoping he's been eying her, which he secretly has. Those are my examples. More than likely a chance meeting with a complete stranger back to my house for a fucking isn't accurate, more so Senate-candidate Smith and his daughter's bad egg salad/not bad egg salad, but pregnancy-scare conversation. Yet here is a man connecting a violent, traumatic and scarring experience, along with having and raising a baby, with a confused, scary, somewhat overwhelming, how am I going to possibly be able to convert this little life inside me, into a fully functioning adult, deal with that along with everything else in my life, and not feel like an absolute screw-up, on my own not to mention.
People need to realize that there's always going to be the right to choose, no matter what it may be. Senators need to stop with the, now see here, I don't condone rape. Like, is that already taken as a campaign platform? "Come one, come all, meet this guy, he wants to be your representing-body in the Senate. He loves babies, your babies more importantly, as well as the vanilla Oreos. Yes, let's all make a mental note to stop by McGinty's Pet Emporium on Wabash between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., 5 hours this ol' rape lover's gonna be shaking hands and sliding that charcoaled wiener off the grill and in to your bun, handing out bags of popcorn for the kiddies as well. That's right, meet the only Senator who DOES in fact condone and practice what he calls the Art of Rape!"
People, you can't have it one way to avoid hang-ups, like, why am I supporting organizations such as Planned Parenthood who hand out contraceptives, and help pay for abortions (not true), here I don't prescribe to an abortion as a way to hit reset on unwanted pregnancies. Nope, your misinformed. So biologically, a woman can't make her body flush out a baby -- nope, that's misinformation as well. You mean to tell me a lot of the times the people behind a certain movement promoting changes to state and federal laws are also as misinformed? That some people don't necessarily know what they are talking about, but they do know how to talk?
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